Important Lessons for Your Exam
The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 is often linked to William Shakespeare's play Macbeth , although it is not directly referenced within the text. The Gunpowder Plot was a failed attempt by a group of English Catholics to assassinate King James I and blow up the Parliament. This event had a significant impact on the public consciousness and the political climate of the time, which Shakespeare would have been acutely aware of while writing Macbeth . Here are some ways in which the Gunpowder Plot might have influenced Macbeth : Themes of Treason and Regicide : Macbeth revolves around the murder of King Duncan, which mirrors the treasonous intent of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators. The play explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of regicide. The Character of Macbeth : Macbeth's ambition and his ultimate decision to murder the king for personal gain can be seen as a reflection of the conspirators' motivations to kill King James I and seize power. The Atmosphere of...
Phrasal Verbs || 50 Important Phrasal Verbs for General Competition || Part-3
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By Zuba'r Saifi
Orator Institute of English
Phrasal Verbs plays a very important role in vocabulary section in any exams. It improves your writing and speaking section both. In this lesson, we learn 50 important phrasal verbs that are important for your exams. We have already provide 100 phrasal verbs. You can read them here.
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Phrasal Verbs || 50 Important Phrasal Verbs for General Competition || Part-3
1. cheer somebody up - make happier
2. chip in - help
3. clean something up - tidy, clean
4. come across something - find unexpectedly
5. come apart - separate
6. come down with something - become sick
7. come forward - volunteer for a task or to give evidence
8. come from some place - originate in
9. count on somebody/ something - rely on
10. cross something out - draw a line through
11. cut back on something - consume less
12. cut something down - make something fall to the ground
13. cut in - interrupt
14. cut in - pull in too closely in front of another vehicle
15. cut in - start operating (of an engine or electrical device)
16. get back into something - become interested in something again
17. get on something - step onto a vehicle
18. get over something - recover from an illness, loss, difficulty
19. get over something - overcome a problem
20. get round to something - finally find time to do (get around to something)
21. get together - meet (usually for social reasons)
22. get up - get out of bed
23. get up - stand
24. give somebody away - reveal hidden information about somebody
25. look something up - search and find information in a reference book or database
Also Read:
Idioms and Phrases Starting With Z
Short Questions and Answers on The Merchant of Venice
26. look up to somebody - have a lot of respect for
27. make something up - invent, lie about something
30. make up - forgive each other
31. make somebody up - apply cosmetics to
32. mix something up - confuse two or more things
33. pass away - die
34. pass out - faint
35. pass something out - give the same thing to many people
36. pass something up - decline (usually something good)
37. pay somebody back - return owed money
38. pay for something - be punished for doing something bad
39. pick something out - choose
40. point somebody/ something out - indicate with your finger
41. put something down - put what you are holding on a surface or floor
42. put somebody down - insult, make somebody feel stupid
43. put something off - postpone
44. put something out - extinguish
45. put something together - assemble
46. put up with somebody/ something - tolerate
47. put something on - put clothing/ accessories on your body
48. run into somebody/ something - meet unexpectedly
49. run over somebody/ something - drive a vehicle over a person or thing
50. run over/ through something - rehearse, review
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