Important Lessons for Your Exam

Gun Powder Plot in Macbeth | Is Macbeth Inspired By Gun Powder Plot?

 The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 is often linked to William Shakespeare's play Macbeth , although it is not directly referenced within the text. The Gunpowder Plot was a failed attempt by a group of English Catholics to assassinate King James I and blow up the Parliament. This event had a significant impact on the public consciousness and the political climate of the time, which Shakespeare would have been acutely aware of while writing Macbeth . Here are some ways in which the Gunpowder Plot might have influenced Macbeth : Themes of Treason and Regicide : Macbeth revolves around the murder of King Duncan, which mirrors the treasonous intent of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators. The play explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of regicide. The Character of Macbeth : Macbeth's ambition and his ultimate decision to murder the king for personal gain can be seen as a reflection of the conspirators' motivations to kill King James I and seize power. The Atmosphere of...

Idioms and Phrases Starting With V & W

Idioms and Phrases are always important to learn for your exam and spoken as well. We are learning Idioms and Phrases alphabetically. If you haven't read idioms from A to U yet, click here to read. In this blog, we will learn 13 important Idioms and Phrases starting with V and W. These idioms and phrases beginning with V and W, are chosen wisely for your exams. Read, learn, repeat and don't forget to share. Help us to grow. Blog by Zuba'r Saifi

Idioms and Phrases Starting With V & W

Idioms and phrases starting with V

1.Vanish into the air - लुप्त होना

Meaning: To disappear

Culprit vanished into the air. Police can’t find him anywhere.

2.Virgin territory - वह क्षेत्र जिसका पता न लगाया गया हो 

Meaning: A territory that hasn’t been explored or touched

Use: There is no sign of human in the Himalayas, it’s a virgin territory.

3. Volte-face - पलट जाना 

Meaning: Complete reversal of opinion and attitude.

Use: He has a complete volte-face about him when he knew the truth.

4.Vent the spleen - गुस्सा दिखाना 

Meaning: To express anger

Use: Politicians used the press conference as an opportunity to vent their spleen on reporters.

5.To wash Dirty lining in public - जनता में निजी मामलों के बारे में चर्चा करें या बहस करें

Meaning: Discuss or argue about one's private affairs in public.

Use: She decided not to take the family dispute to court as she feared it would only lead to a lot of washing of dirty linen in public.

6.Wild goose chase - एक मूर्ख और निराशाजनक खोज

Meaning: A foolish and Hopeless search

Use: After two hours spent wandering in the snow, I realized we were on a wild goose chase.

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Idioms and Phrases Starting With S || Orator Institute

Idioms and Phrases Starting With T || Orator Institute of English

7.Wear one’s heart on one’ sleeves - किसी की भावनाओं को बताना 

Meaning: To display one’s feeling openly

Use: Mohan always has his heart on his sleeves so that everyone knows how he feels.

8.With a high hand - अत्याचार

Meaning: Oppressively

Use: Teacher handles the naughty students with a high hand.

9.A windfall - अचानक और अप्रत्याशित लाभ

Meaning: A sudden and unexpected profit

Use: The money donated by the Minister was really a windfall for the poor.

10.A wet blanket - जो आनंद और उत्साह को हतोत्साहित करता है

Meaning: Who discourages enjoyment and enthusiasm

Use: Ram acts as a wet blanket in Sohan love life.

11.Wrong foot - इस तरह से शुरुवात कि असफल होने की संभावना है

Meaning: To begin in a way that is likely to fail

Use: The company was completely wrong-footed by the dollar's sudden recovery.

12.Walking on air - बहुत जादा ख़ुशी 

Meaning: Extreme happiness

Use: After cracking SSC CGL exam he is walking on air.

13.Willy or nilly - चाहें  या नहीं

Meaning: Whether one wishes or not

Use: We have to accept some job willy or nilly.

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