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Gun Powder Plot in Macbeth | Is Macbeth Inspired By Gun Powder Plot?

 The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 is often linked to William Shakespeare's play Macbeth , although it is not directly referenced within the text. The Gunpowder Plot was a failed attempt by a group of English Catholics to assassinate King James I and blow up the Parliament. This event had a significant impact on the public consciousness and the political climate of the time, which Shakespeare would have been acutely aware of while writing Macbeth . Here are some ways in which the Gunpowder Plot might have influenced Macbeth : Themes of Treason and Regicide : Macbeth revolves around the murder of King Duncan, which mirrors the treasonous intent of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators. The play explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of regicide. The Character of Macbeth : Macbeth's ambition and his ultimate decision to murder the king for personal gain can be seen as a reflection of the conspirators' motivations to kill King James I and seize power. The Atmosphere of...

Idioms and Phrases Starting With "D" || Orator Institute

Let's go ahead and continue our study of Idioms. In this blog, we will learn some of most important Idioms and Phrases starting with alphabet "D"

Blog by Zuba'r Saifi

1. Donkey’s year      
Meaning: a very long time (बहुत लम्बा समय)
Example: Nowadays one has to wait donkey’s years to get justice.

2. Dog days
Meaning: hottest days of summer
Example: The dog days of summer are a difficult period for those who have to work out in the open.

3. Dead ringer  
Meaning: A duplicate of the exact things.
Example:  The car that is parked in that garage is a dead ringer of the car that my dad used to own a couple of years back.

4. Dark horse
Meaning: One who was previously unknown but is now prominent
Example: You never can tell, some dark horse many come along and win a House of Lords seat.

5. Dog's life
Meaning: a miserable, unhappy existence.
Example: I have to work everyday from dawn to sunset and come back home to take care of the children. It's really a dog's life.

6. Down to earth
Meaning: simple, decent, realistic; practical and straightforward.
Example: She is very down to earth person, not at all attracted by the glamour world.

7. Down at heel 
Meaning: Out of luck, shabbily dressed
Example: Since Ashok lost his job, he is always down at heel.

8. Doom and Gloom
Meaning: A feeling of pessimism and despondency, often with regard to business or political prospects.

9. Drive up the wall
Meaning: to make someone angry or irritated
Example: The loud music played by my neighbours is driving me up the wall.

10. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Meaning: don’t put all your resources into one thing
Example: It would be better if you applied to several companies instead of just one; don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

11. Dead and buried
If something is dead and buried, it has all long been settled and is not going to be reconsidered.

12. Dead in the water
If something is dead in the water, it isn't going anywhere or making any progress

13. Dip your toe in the water
Meaning: (also dip a toe in the water) said when you start something carefully because you are not sure whether it will work or not.
Example: I am doing some volunteer work at the new school to try and dip my toe in the water of working in the education field

14. Devil of a time
Meaning: If you have a devil of a time, you have a very difficult time.
Example: Before she divorced, Ann had had a devil of a time with my her husband.

15. Devil's Advocate
Meaning: To present a counter argument Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched
Example: He offered to play devil’s advocate and argue against our case so that we could find out any flaws in it.

16. Don't give up the day job
Meaning: You are not very good at something. You could definitely not do it professionally.
Example: I watched your performance at the theater today. My advice is don’t give up your day job.

17. Down in the dumps
Meaning: a gloomy, unhappy
Examples: Little Jon is down in the dumps because all her friends are gone away with their parents

18. Do for 
Meaning: Fulfill the purpose
Example: This book will do for the IAS Examination.

19. Draw up 
Meaning: To draft
Example: I was engaged in drawing up plans for new business.

20. Drop a line
Meaning: Send a brief letter
Examples: If you’ve got a few minutes to spare you could always drop her a line.

21. Dot the i’s and cross the t’s
Meaning: To do something very carefully and in a lot of detail
Examples: She writes highly accurate reports – she always dots her I’s and crosses her t’s.

22. Dig own grave
Meaning: do something stupid that will seriously harm oneself, cause one’s own ruin or downfall.
Example: If she continues to behave like this to her senior officer, she’ll be digging her own grave.


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