A question is always raised how one should prepare for UP TGT?
How to Prepare for UPSESSB English Language TGT.
UP TGT is one of the most reputed exams in UP. Not only the students of UP but also the students of other states take part in the examination. Some of the Students have failed in the exam not just once but several times. They can not understand what wrong they did? Why they have not been selected? Let's discuss all the important points in the blogs. We will discuss only Literature part or Vocabulary. For grammar, I'll write another blog.
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Make a Better Strategy for Literature
As you know that there are four writers/poets in syllabus. Lets find out how to Prepare for UP TGT English
1. William Shakespeare
2. William Wordsworth
3. John Milton
4. John Galsworthy
We will discuss writer wise how one should prepare.
How to Prepare Shakespeare?
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays. Are all 37 plays necessary to be learnt? Answer is NO. You don't need to learn or study all 37 plays of Shakespeare deeply. When you research and analyze the previous year exam papers, you find that only Tragedy and Comedy are being asked frequently. If I have to classified Shakespeare's plays in terms of % of questions being asked, I will do like this:
Tragedy- 45%
Comedy- 35%
History- 20%
Now decide what you should learn first? History? No. Learn all the major tragedies of Shakespeare. These tragedies must be on your finger tips. After that, learn Comedies. And then, learn History with half an eye on. Make sure to list all important tragedies, comedies and histories separately. For example, In Orator Institute offline classes, Zuba'r Sir teach 19 Plays of Shakespeare. You can watch all 19 plays on channel.
How to Prepare Wordsworth?
Wordsworth is the easiest poet to be learnt. And, easiest answer to How to Prepare for UP TGT English. Wordsworth had a motto to write in a simpler language. And he successfully did that. Now, Wordsworth composed a lot of poems. First question that raises in our mind, is what poems should we prepare? When you analyze Wordsworth, you see that all the treasure of poet lies in Lyrical Ballad or Lucy Poems. Lyrical Ballad has a few important poems, you have to learn them. Prepare Lucy Poems as well as you can. Besides these poems, find out which poems are being asked in exams? Just analyze the previous papers. You can watch video lessons of Wordsworth's poems on Channel.
How to Prepare Galsworthy?
If you are political and have interest in Society, Galsworthy is for you. To learn and study him, is not so hard. It takes least time in preparation of TGT. In less than 15 days, you can prepare Galsworthy. Just don't skip- Justice, The Silver Box at any cost. You can watch videos on Channel.
How to Prepare Milton?
Life of Milton had not been so easy. It's hard to prepare Milton but not impossible. A strategy and proper plan can bring you success. Now, the question is how to start? Milton has both part- Poetry and Prose. And both are important. You can't just skip one out of two. In prose, his tracts and instructive on Divorce, Magistrate, are really readable. Never skip
Areopagitica at any cost. How can Milton be completed without
Paradise Lost. Milton composed many poems but at least 10-15 poems are most important that can't be ignored. See it here. Click. You can also watch video lessons of Milton.
Other Parts for TGT
Now, what besides four writers? Literary Term. You can watch all important literary terms by clicking the link.
Click. Literary Movements are just another important topic. Figure of speeches can't be forgotten.
Vocabulary Plays a Vital Role in preparing for UP TGT English
Vocabulary plays a very important role in getting selection in any exam. If you are a pro in vocabulary, you are at least 12-15 numbers ahead in race for merit. Learn maximum Synonyms and Antonyms. It will help in improving your spellings too. learn Idiom and Phrases and One Words. The most important part is of Proverbs. Proverbs are asked for translation. Their translations are not as easy as it seems. Proverbs are not translated literally. So, Just learn at least 150-200 Proverbs.
Ankit Malik, Shamli